Research Unwrapped
A podcast series that highlights topics and research coming out of the National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Research (Centre for Population Health). The Centre is funded by the Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales.
Podcasting since 2022 • 8 episodes
Research Unwrapped
Latest Episodes
Dr May Bianchim speaks to Georgina Ferguson-Glover about her involvement and co-production work on the Champion Project.
In this episode, Dr May Bianchim, Centre researcher Research Officer & Patient Public Lead based at Bangor University, speaks to Georgina Ferguson-Glover about her involvement and coproduction work on the Champion Project.The Champi...
Episode 8
Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks again to expectant mum Flo Avery - this time about the barriers to research for expectant parents
In this episode, Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks again to expectant mum Flo Avery. During the chat, Flo talks about how researchers could better engage with pregnant mums and what questions she has as an expectant mum herself for res...
Episode 7
Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to expectant mum Flo Avery
In this episode, Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to expectant mum Flo Avery. During the chat, Flo talks about the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, IVF, planning for birth, midwife support and getting partners involved.
Season 1
Episode 6

Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to Sam Dredge - dad to toddler Florence.
In this episode, Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to Sam Dredge, the dad of toddler Florence. During the chat, Sam talks about the challenges of being a dad, including the need for advice on practical issues such as financial su...
Season 1
Episode 5

Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to new dad Rob Garlick
In this episode, Born in Wales researcher Hope Jones speaks to new dad Rob Garlick. During the chat, Rob talks about the need for dads to be better represented and how more support for new dads would help mental health and wellbeing. ...